I was overall Fegentri champion in 2007. I
decided to go freelance and that went well for a
time. Then the recession kicked in and affected
me badly so I had to take action. I am young and
ambitious and built a house to move in a
different direction. I decided to go into
dentistry, staying in the industry was vital to
me. I went to the American School of Equine
Dentistry in Virginia to learn my new trade. I
put up a lot of photos and videos on Facebook
and Twitter and can see people really getting
switched on.
Riding winners was great but I have never been
as happy as I am now doing what I do. When I was
a jockey riding winners I asked myself,'What the
hell am I gonna do with my life?' I knew what I
wanted to do and made the decision very quickly.
I'm a very positive person and make my own
decisions and go my own way. I am based in Newry
and ride three or four mornings a week. I have
horses at home that I look after in the mornings
and I ride them in the evenings.
To be in different yards every day, meeting
different people and then have lads texting you
after a few days that they can't believe the
difference in their horse, that gives you so
much satisfaction. When I see those horses
performing well or selling puts a smile on my